Ok so I wouldn't call myself an expert in any way shape or form, however I am rather an avid fan of a pick and mix. Now I'm not one to be fussy but when it comes down to a rock solid milk bottle or a slightly stale tasting foamy shrimp, I have to draw the line.
For an ideal pick and mix you want just the right texture of sweet as well as a burst of flavour to satisfy those taste buds. Another element key to the pick and mix procedure is the right equipment, by this I mean your scooping instrument as well as the container that the sweets are kept. As a personal preference I'd choose a scoop every time rather than the tongs as they can sometimes puncture and damage your desired confectionary leaving them in a state of distress. This problem should be avoided especially when dealing with jelly babies or anything else with a face, it could be seen as cruel otherwise. As far as the container is concerned, you want something that's manageable to open with one hand, as the other will be indeed balancing a bag of already chosen sweets as well as the desired scooping equipment. The last thing you want is to be trying to flip a lid, ready to delve into a ball pit of strawberry bonbons only to have the issue of clumsily juggling between scoop, lid and bag. Not a pretty sight and believe me I've been there.

And finally, when you come to pay for your pastel coloured bag of sweetness, don't be too shocked, horrified, questioning about the price, I'm afraid it's a sacrifice pick and mix supporters have to pay, literally. We pay for the privildge to choose our own wonderful combinations of candy delights and personally it's totally worth it.
P.s. Remember it's always important to brush one's teeth after consuming the entirety of your pick and mix. Cavities aren't cool. Oh and don't forget to floss as apparently life expectancy can be improved by flossing. Who knew?!