Wednesday, 13 March 2013


One of the most useful presents I received for my birthday last year was a 'Paris by Metro' book from my very well informed and in-the-know auntie. It's such a great guide to the city and goes hand in hand with the most efficient and most used mode of transport, the joy that is the metro. When stuck with the dilemma of creating my own agenda for the day, usually a Sunday, I turn to this extensive handbook for inspiration. This is what lead me to Parc Monceau, a very picturesque park in the 8th absolutely teaming with runners and joggers alike.

 You probably can't see the significance of this picture due to the lighting, however amongst those very branches were buds of blooming blossom. Actual signs of Spring right there. 

As I was in the vicinity I also took my guide's advice and went in search of Mussée Chernuschi  on Avenue Vérlasquez, which is an absolute treasure trove of Asian antiques including tapestries, bronzes, ceramics as well as a monumental Buddha. I was completely sold at the thought of seeing a Buddha as I am a massive fan.

Entry was cheap, only three euros fifty for a student tariff and I thoroughly enjoyed the fact that they had the heating on what felt like almost full whack. Such a difference from my draughty cube of an apartment.

 What a beauty. 

 So mellow with life. 

I wish I was a Buddha. 

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