As a treat we decided to hire out a boat and visit the famous James Bond Island from the Man with the Golden Gun as well as other breathtaking islands that seemed to pop out of nowhere like mass tombstones in the middle of the sea.

Personally I LOVED the floating village we came across about ten minutes after being on Bond Island. It's not actually floating on the sea but rather held up by stilts and other precarious looking scaffolding but I rather like the idea of a village floating along minding it's own jolly business.

We 'cast anchor' (nautical term) inside a shady looking cave with more geographical features than you could shake a stick at. I'm talking Stalactites, Stalagmites and of course a good bit of erosion. More interestingly was our time we spent on board reflecting on our holiday. I don't want to sound like too much of a cliché but it really was a holiday of a lifetime and quite frankly impossible to pin down a single 'best bit.'
That's now all my happenings from Thailand. Next time, I will bring you some snippets from Hong Kong.
In my Robinson Crusoe shorts.
I don't think we cut it as Bond girls, but we can always dream.
Even though it was brilliant to see the Bond Island, I found it a quite overrated attraction as there were so many other fellow tourists creating crowds, jostling and quite frankly an intrusion to such an idyllic setting. However I would recommend this trip or any other boating activities around this area as you have to see it to believe it.
Personally I LOVED the floating village we came across about ten minutes after being on Bond Island. It's not actually floating on the sea but rather held up by stilts and other precarious looking scaffolding but I rather like the idea of a village floating along minding it's own jolly business.
We all found the experience fascinating. I mean to see people actually living and working in this situation is worlds apart from what we know. Their way of life is ever so simple but they're happy. I could've stayed on the floating village for a lot longer but our guides on the boat were keen to show us our picnic spot.
Lunch served on board. SO MANY SPRING ROLLS.
Please excuse the messy mass of hair on top of my head. Humidity is no friend of mine.
We 'cast anchor' (nautical term) inside a shady looking cave with more geographical features than you could shake a stick at. I'm talking Stalactites, Stalagmites and of course a good bit of erosion. More interestingly was our time we spent on board reflecting on our holiday. I don't want to sound like too much of a cliché but it really was a holiday of a lifetime and quite frankly impossible to pin down a single 'best bit.'
That's now all my happenings from Thailand. Next time, I will bring you some snippets from Hong Kong.
Love the Thailand post and you are looking beautifully sun-kissed and radiant! It is, however, time you stopped having too much fun without me and come back to Paris! xx